Rrose Present

Rrose Present, Tempesta a Les Fonts d'una memòria

Tempesta a „Les Fonts“ d’una memòria

Spain 2015 // 4.48 min. // HD 16:9

Tempesta a „Les Fonts“ d’una memòria (Storm at Les Fonts Stirring Memories)
While staying in the town where my mother was born, I filmed my first storm at Les Fonts. It was as if the lightning released the ghosts of my origins from the dark night of forgotten memories.


Rrose Present was born in Barcelona where she graduated in Fine Arts for the UB. Beca Séneca audio-visual UPV. She also holds a Masters degree in Philosophy of Contemporary Art from the UAB. Rrose combines experimental video, performance, curated and a reflection theoretical about the image. She works the images from a double sense / meaning of the reality: the PRESENTIAL (camera in hand) using the body as a tripod for her emotions, and the RE-PRESENTATION with the NET Found  Footage to with the series „video ‚without-camera“‚ reinterprets ‚camera-world‘.

From very conceptual beginnings her work leaves the literalness of the images to penetrate into the medial and formal experimentation, with the conscious and unconscious paths that these open. At the present he brings his research on image and sound closer to positions the language of experimental cinema.
DISTRIBUTION: The Film-Makers‘ Cooperative NYC
